afro-carribean + maoli

Do not Interact If

+you are a babyfur diaperfur ddlg "anti anti"

+you think white jokes are racist, believe in reverse racism

+ you are a trump supporter or think cops have rights

+ you fit the normal criteria (pedo/racist/homophobic/transphobic/Nazi/white supremacist/etc

+ if you are a swerf/terf/truscum

Before You Follow

+ i talk bout racism/zoophilia/pedophilia and how it is rampant in fandom life, i tw triggering stuff

+i draw some suggestive themes yet nothing near outright porn or close to it

+i also discuss mental health as it comes up

+ i tend to curse and swear alot,and say slurs that i can reclaim

+ I prefer a 16+ audience however if you're above 13 then i suppose thats okay too

+ my content is pg 13

+ i draw gore but it has the tag #bst (blood sweat and tears)

+i talk about cannibalism alot but it tagged as #cannicraze



im a fake kinnie do not ask me dumb questions about it please dear god